Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Back To Basics

With a huge following in the natural, organic, and "Green" movement, it's no surprise that more women are taking a back to basics approach when it comes to beauty. We are so focused on living clean, so why should the products we use be any different? This simplistic take is not just about using natural or organic products but also about being more aware of harsh irritating ingredients, cheap fillers, and unnecessary preservatives.

Things to avoid
  • Parabens
  • Unnatural Fragrance
  • Sulfates
  • Dimethicone
  • Dyes
  • Propylene Glycol
  • Artificial Colors
  • Formaldehyde
With so many lab-developed ingredients on beauty shelves there's something comforting about the basics.  The fewer chemicals put on the skin, the less likely there will be irritation, sensitivities and contact dermatitis.   As you have noticed recently there are more simplistic beauty lines cropping up; so there must be a need for something more gentle for sensitive and reactive skin types.  Many people are becoming more and more allergic and reactive to their environment and this can be caused by chemicals, even if they are natural. Just because a beauty product is classified as organic doesn't mean it takes a bare-boned approach.  The products may take a little bit longer to kick in and see results because the ingredients are not as strong. Since the Anti-Aging craze started, its made it harder on us as estheticians to help our clients understand that they can't keep loading their skin with harsh acids, and intense vitamins that are in every Anti-Aging product today.If you constantly strip the skin with acids your skin will become sensitized and reactive, it's a fact.

 Jody Nash recently graduated from Rowan Cabarrus Community College and has been making a name for herself in the Salisbury area with her back to back approach to skincare. Since starting, she has found a need to offer traveling skincare. She has always been intrigued with mixing great concoctions since she worked with the Eminence skincare line in school. Here is what Jody has to say about her wonderful treatments. Check out her Facebook page.

1) What gave you the idea to use fruits and vegetables in your facials?
I was introduced to the idea of using food when you discussed fruit enzymes at the beginning of the school year. And I thought it was really interesting so I did a lot of research on the topic. The more I learned the more excited I got to try this out on people.

2) What is your favorite natural remedies? Pumpkin seed oil is loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, so it offers MANY benefits. I really like aloe, I've found it is effective in keeping your skin clear of blemishes; also there seems to be some pore reducing properties and you can't deny its soothing and healing properties. I add aloe to a lot of my mixtures to give it a smooth consistency.

3) Do you feel that this procedure is cost effective?
Natural products are pretty easily obtainable at an affordable price. The expense comes when purchasing essential oils but there effectiveness is WELL WORTH IT !

4) What are some of the comments and feedback you have been given about these treatments? "Wow, I had no idea that this fruit or this oil would do this." When I suggest a home skin care regimen they say, "I can do that" and "that's so simple."  I have found that people are intrigued by the simplicity of the ingredients and what they can do.

5) What is your favorite part of a facial and why? My favorite part of a facial is applying a slight amount of pressure once I have placed the steaming towel on their face. It just feels SO GOOD. I love it when customers say "oh that feels so good, I love this part."  I also enjoy the massage I give on the arms and compression on the legs while their mask is setting. I have a lot of clients tell me that no one has ever spent that much time massaging their arms and legs during a mask.

6) What is your favorite skin care book, magazine, or website?

7) Name one thing that people do to their skin that bothers you? What bothers me is that people take their skin for granted. So many wash with harsh soaps and don't moisturize.  What I live by is, "What goes on goes in". On my business card I have, "Because your skin deserves it". It's my job as an esthetician to instruct my clients on how to care for their skin; their skin deserves to be treated with care since it does so much.  

9) What is your favorite product and concoctions? My favorite product by far is 100% virgin coconut oil.  I use it as a make up remover, face and body moisturizer, I even use it to help convert my frizz to curls.

Mask Normal, Dry, Aging Skin Type- Allow 15 min to set
I Blend Pureed Pumpkin- a natural glycolic
Aloe- Soothes the skin
Lemon Juice (exfoliates and keeps the product from spoiling)
Essential White Grapefruit Oil
Fine Ground Oatmeal and Wheat Germ- calms the skin
Honey - Hydrates the skin. 
"The skin is left so soft and hydrated, my clients have even noticed a lifting effect) 

Acne Mask
Half of an Avocado
Plain Yogurt

Virgin Organic Coconut Oil
Lavender Oil 

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