Thursday, November 15, 2012

Why So Blue? (Aging & Self-Esteem) Part 1

First Day On The Job!
When I got out of school and landed my first job in a spa, I was trained by an esthetician that was twice my age.  Her age was not big deal to me, but for some reason it was to her.  The first amazing piece of advice she gave me was, “You are not going to make it in this business because you are too young; and older people will not respect you or listen to your advice because you can't relate to them.”   Wow, thanks for your words of wisdom lady.

What I Noticed in the Following Months
My trainer looked wonderful for her age, she exercised everyday, ate really healthy, took lots of vitamins.  All of her clients were amazed by how great she looked; which was great because she helped her aging clients understand that they can look great by taking care of themselves and their skin.  Her clients would buy all of these products, expensive services, and followed all of her recommendations.  One day she decided that she was going to get lipo and a facelift because deep down she was not happy with the way she looked. In my opinion, if a little nip and tuck makes you feel better about yourself, then you shouldn't be ashamed about getting it or denies having it done. My problem is when people lie about getting work done.   She couldn't hide it from her existing clientele but when it came to new customers she made it seem that she got her astounding looks by the products and services she offers (false advertising).  This set of events caused me to do some real soul searching and find out what clients need when it comes to aging gracefully.

The Lessons I Learned
I have concluded that the major thing that customers want from their esthetician is honesty.
I decided to write about this topic because it's important for estheticians to understand what our clients are going through, and how we can help them through the process on an emotional and physical level.  Honesty and sincerity are the keys to helping people deal with aging.  For example, don't tell a client that all of their hyperpigmentation will be gone by the end of a 125.00 dollar bottle of serum.  When someone is having issues with their skin you never want to make empty promises or claims, it will only end in disappointment for them and a loss of respect for you. Stay tuned for part two tomorrow.

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